Creative Communities Scheme and Schools

All state and integrated schools are obliged to deliver the National Curriculum and all are obliged to have trained and registered teachers that deliver that curriculum.

CCS cannot fund arts activity which is the responsibility of teachers (including itinerant staff) to deliver. This is arts activity already delivered by teachers as defined in a school’s annual curriculum and teaching programme.

What schools activity can CCS support?

Additional activity undertaken by the school to complement and enhance their teaching programme may be eligible for support via CCS as long as it fits other CCS criteria. This activity is often referred to as co-curricular or extra-curricular activity. 

This might include performances or workshops by visiting artists taking place inside or outside the school, school productions (as long as they are not a primary vehicle for delivery of the school’s curriculum and teaching programme) or community- based arts and cultural activities.

How can you tell if the activity is part of the curriculum and teaching programme?

Applicants need to supply a letter from the school principal verifying that the activity or project is not part of the school’s curriculum and teaching programme, has not been identified by teachers as an activity they would offer students themselves and is not primarily a vehicle for assessment. If an applicant has not supplied this letter an administrator can request this or an assessment committee could allocate funding but make it conditional upon receipt of this letter.

Examples for school projects:

  • Workshops by visiting artists taking place within the school: Yes, as long as this is not part of the curriculum and teaching programme, clearly complements what teachers can offer, and the artists are not replacing the role of the teacher.
  • School productions: Yes, in some instances, but not if the production is intended to deliver an aspect/s of the school’s curriculum and teaching programme and is primarily a vehicle for assessment.
  • Participation by students in a local performing arts competition: Yes, as long as this is not part of the curriculum and teaching programme, clearly complements what teachers can offer and any additional tutors are not replacing the role of the teacher. Eligible costs might include transport to and from the event, materials for the making of costumes or tutor fees.

Other CCS funding criteria and exclusions also apply to school projects.