Eligibility requirements and funding criteria


Eligibility requirements for CCS
Before an application can be considered by an assessment committee, the CCS Manager must check that it meets all of the eligibility requirements. The applicant if the applicant is an individual they must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resi...
Funding criteria for CCS
There are three funding criteria under the Creative Communities Scheme: Access and participation Diversity Young people Committees are encouraged to apply the funding criteria according to the arts needs within their own local council...
Projects that can’t be funded
Types of projects that can’t be funded under the Creative Communities Scheme include: Projects without an arts focus, eg: puzzles, upholstery, magic, model-making, commercial design, commercial fashion design, fitness-based dance (such as ae...
Costs that can be funded
The types of costs that can be funded include: materials for arts activities or programmes venue or equipment hire personnel and administrative costs for short-term projects promotion and publicity of arts activities. reasonable requests to pr...
Costs that can’t be funded
The types of costs that can't be funded include: ongoing administration and service costs (such as salaries) that aren’t related to a specific project travel for individuals or groups to attend events, presentations or shows...
Creative Communities Scheme and Schools
All state and integrated schools are obliged to deliver the National Curriculum and all are obliged to have trained and registered teachers that deliver that curriculum. CCS cannot fund arts activity which is the responsibility of teachers (includi...
Other sources of Funding
If your applicants or community members projects do not qualify for CCS funding, they may be interested in other sources of funding: Other grants offered by CNZ . Funding opportunities from other organisations . ...