Co-operating with other Councils

Co-operation and joint support

Assessment committees may co-operate and jointly support projects that take place in adjacent local authority areas. This may be achieved through administrators liaising informally with other administrators and committees.

However, if your council would like to establish formal processes for co-operation and joint support, or would like to operate a joint assessment committee, this must be agreed in writing with Creative New Zealand.

Whether your process is formal or informal it is recommended that you consider and agree the following with the administrator (and relevant management) of the adjacent council. Once you have discussed this we recommend you share the outcome of these discussions with your assessment committees.

Key considerations for co-operation and joint support:

  • The principles and considerations behind recommending that applicants submit applications to both committees, eg:
    • shared audiences
    • projects that sit across both boundaries
    • the funding/infrastructure available in each district for different types of projects
    • impacts for applicants
    • timing of closing dates
    • proportions of requests
    • implications of one committee funding and another not.
  • Under what circumstances you will or won't recommend that applicants submit to both committees
  • How you will convey this advice to applicants
  • How you will ensure your advice is consistent
  • How you will keep each other in the loop.