Overview of CCS Process
The following table gives you an overview of the CCS administrator role and responsibilities. Establish the assessment committee Understand the role of the assessment committee Ensure the make-up of the assessment committee meets CCS...
Options for managing the assessment process
You have three options for managing the administration of the Creative Communities Scheme: Doing it “in-house” – You can administer the scheme itself. Using a third party – You can contract a community arts council or other suitably qualif...
Advising applicants and receiving applications
The Application Form You must post the CCS Application Guide and CCS Application Form on your website, and send it out to any applicants who ask for it. You will have to adapt the CCS Application Form, eg inserting your logo, contact details, c...
Record-keeping by local councils
All councils are subject to the Public Records Act 2005. CCS records should be kept according to your council’s Retention and Disposal Schedule. You will need to discuss this with your council’s information manager. The records that will need to be...
Reporting to Creative New Zealand
Telling Creative New Zealand how you’ve spent CCS funds is an important part of the management of the scheme. As a Crown entity, Creative New Zealand is audited annually and CCS is included in that audit. From time to time, individual councils may ...